why did dinosaurs eat rocks

Why Did Dinosaurs Eat Rocks? [Exploring Gastroliths]

In the movie Jurassic Park, the guests take a detour and discover a sick Triceratops. This scene leads to the iconic “that’s one big pile of shit” comment, as our tourists search the area for clues. Dr. Sattler makes a key discovery that the movie never explains. She points out some West Indian Lilac (Tetrazyiga bicolor) near the dinosaur dung … Continue Reading

why did dinosaurs have small arms

Why Did Dinosaurs Have Small Arms?

T. rex receives the most attention for being a massive dinosaur with short arms. It’s not the only dinosaur like this. While some dinosaurs such as Deinocheirus were known for their extremely long arms, some dinosaurs had even shorter arms than T. rex. It’s a question that researchers tackled as it may provide clues that will help us understand more … Continue Reading

why did crocodiles survive the dinosaur extinction

Why Did Crocodiles Survive the Dinosaur Extinction?

As any dinosaur nerd can tell you, the non-avian dinosaurs all died at the end of the Cretaceous when an asteroid struck the Earth around 66 million years ago. There are countless media references to this devastating extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs. But what about the crocodiles? Why did crocodiles survive the dinosaur extinction? The asteroid impact drove many … Continue Reading

How Did Aquatic Dinosaurs Die Out

How Did Aquatic Dinosaurs Die Out?

Some of the most well-known groups of prehistoric animals from the Mesozoic Era are the so-called aquatic dinosaurs, and for good reason: they’re large, fearsome, apex predators. So how did aquatic dinosaurs die out? Some of these creatures have even starred in the recent Jurassic World franchise, further enhancing their fame. The oversized Mosasaurus from Jurassic World elevated the notoriety … Continue Reading

Jurassic Park Phylogeny

Jurassic Park Phylogeny [Clarifying Relationships]

What can be learned from Jurassic Park phylogeny? Hopefully, this article will clarify most of the uncertainty and popular misconceptions surrounding the animals shown on screen. The article covers the current consensus and explains the uncertainties of the relationships of the prehistoric animals featured in the Jurassic Park and Jurassic World films, both to each other and other animals. A … Continue Reading

did dinosaurs have feathers or scales

Did Dinosaurs Have Feathers or Scales?

Most people have seen depictions of Tyrannosaurus a thousand times: they’re fearsome, likely hungry given their invariably open mouths, and covered in lizard-like scales. Some artists, however, take a different approach. These deviants show the beloved T. rex covered in feathers. While most people reject change for simply psychological reasons, others may wonder if they’ve been wrong all these years. … Continue Reading

Can Dinosaurs be Resurrected

Can Dinosaurs be Resurrected?

We have all wondered this since our childhood: can dinosaurs be resurrected? As much as technology has advanced, the possibility does not seem so far-fetched. Is it possible to bring back the dinosaurs? The popular notion of dinosaur resurrection through DNA recovery is now known to be impossible. DNA degrades rapidly over time and the non-avian dinosaurs went extinct 66 … Continue Reading

How Do Scientists Determine the Age of Fossils

How Do Scientists Determine the Age of Fossils?

When reading about dinosaurs or visiting a museum you may have wondered: how do scientists determine the age of fossils? Are they millions of years old? How do scientists know that, for example, Tyrannosaurus rex lived about 66 million years ago? Are these estimates verifiable? So, how do scientists determine the age of a fossil? Scientists use two general techniques … Continue Reading

Are Dinosaur Bones in Museums Real

Are Dinosaur Bones in Museums Real?

One of the most famous Tyrannosaurus rex skeletons, “Stan” the T. rex, may also be the most well-traveled T. rex. At the moment, he currently resides in Texas, New Mexico, Washington, D.C., Kansas, Wyoming, Indiana, Wisconsin, the United Kingdom, and even Tokyo, Japan. There’s only one Stan, so how can he be in so many places at once? The answer … Continue Reading